Stockbridge GA Chiropractor Alleviates Pain Of Slipped Disc Safely

By Angeleah Mae Zerna

The spinal column is a vertical structure made up of small bones called vertebrae. The spinal cord is encased there along with the roots to nerves. Separating them are intervertebral discs that have an outer shell and a soft inner substance. They act as cushions which keep the bones from impacting each other when the person moves around. When they are subluxated, or misaligned, the end result may be a herniation. As a Stockbridge Georgia Chiropractor would explain, this is often called a slipped disc.

That is because the pressure is affecting a spinal nerve. Nerves from the spinal cord transmit signals to activate all parts of the body. When one of them is compressed, the resulting pain can range from moderate to excruciating.

Your spine is a series of vertebrae that are flexible, allowing for movement. As any movement takes place the intervertebral discs avoid the bones from impacting each other. Without the discs they would rub together causing pain. The spine is referred to as subluxated when the vertebrae are misaligned. This can force a disc to protrude.

Those who need relief from the resultant pain favor chiropractic care over other care for two reasons. It does not rely on pain medicine of any kind and it is completely non-invasive. Obviously no one prefers surgical intervention or the possibility of an addiction.

Meeting with a chiropractor for the first time begins the journey to pain management. The first step is taking a medical history and discussing the details of your injury or disease. Tests include range of motion, reflexive and a measurement of strength. An x-ray may be taken.

Following this assessment, your chiropractor will customize a care plan to fit your specific needs. You may have the same injury or disorder that another individual has. However, your care can be quite different. It all depends on factors such as age and general state of health. Your care will be geared towards pain alleviation and healing of the slipped disc.

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