Prominent Tallahassee Chiropractors Offers Successful Neck Pain Relief Options

By Fernando Ketter

The most delicate part of the backbone is the cervical spine. It has seven vertebrae. The uppermost one, the Atlas, is also the largest and supports the weight of the head. In an automobile accident, the victims often get an injury called whiplash. It is a serious condition as a leading Tallahassee Chiropractor will confirm.

In the car, a seat belt and air bag protects the body during a crash. At the same time, the head will be jerked rapidly forward and back, leaving severe pain as the aftermath. The injured party may be unable to turn the head to one side. Chiropractic adjustments work to restore function. The goal is to alleviate the pain and increase the ability to turn the head.

Make an appointment with the chiropractor for a full evaluation of your condition. That includes the physical exam, taking a medical history and range-of-motion testing. The evaluation results will determine the optimal care plan to be used. Spinal adjustments are often included.

The neck can also hurt as a result of muscle strain or tension. Possibly all these factors are present. But, another condition may be to blame. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that often affects the elderly population.

Another condition is called cervicogenic vertigo. This results from some kind of head trauma such as falling down the stairs. The individual may feel nausea in addition to feeling dizzy. Spinal adjustments have been found to be successful.

Still another cause of vertigo is debris contained in the inner ear, which is responsible for balance. The vestibulocochlear canal may fill with this debris. A chiropractic application, called the Epley Maneuver moves the debris and relieves the feeling of dizziness.

Each individualized care plan is designed by the chiropractor for one person. Although two people may have the same injury, each can require a different approach to pain alleviation. That approach may include massage, applications of hot or cold compresses and a regimen of mild stretching exercises.

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