Kent WA Chiropractic Office Provides Accident Injury Solutions

By Hellen Moare

If you are an accident victim suffering with whiplash, the pain can be so severe that it interferes with your quality of life. Some people with this painful condition opt for invasive surgery or rely on powerful prescription medications for relief. If you want to eliminate pain without the risk of addiction or surgical complications, Kent chiropractic care can help.

Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to provide pain relief and promote healing. Therapeutic exercises, manual manipulation, muscle stimulation, and advice on making healthy lifestyle changes are among the methods chiropractors use. The appropriate method is unique to each patient.

Spinal manipulation is helpful for relieving restricted joints. Chiropractors use their hands to apply gentle pressure on the affected joint to restore mobility. In some cases, a short thrust is necessary to realign the vertebrae.

For most whiplash victims, certain exercises effectively relieve pain and restore normal range of motion. Restoring normal movement with sensorimotor exercises eliminates stress. Patients experience better neck stability after performing stabilization exercises. Patients with misalignments in the discs and vertebra can correct them with McKenzie exercises.

Whiplash also affects the muscles, so chiropractic care extends to therapies that restore normal movement. Exercises that cause the muscles to contract repeatedly are helpful when muscles are restricted. Using the fingers to press on specific pressure points provides relief when muscles are tight. Stretching exercises can also loosen the muscles.

Patients undergoing chiropractic care receive advice and guidance in every aspect of their lives. Chiropractors address the entire body and all of its functions when helping their patients. They may help patients create a nutritional diet plan and teach them how to improve ergonomics at work. Improving overall health using various methods speeds up the recovery process and eliminates the need for prescription painkillers and invasive surgical procedures.

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