How A Manhattan Beach CA Chiropractic Office Helps Whiplash Sufferers

By Harriett Simington

Whiplash is a painful injury that occurs most often in rear-end car collisions. Any violent impact that forces the head to move back and forth can cause injuries to tissues in the neck. Individuals who want to feel better without having invasive surgery or taking prescription medication can visit a Manhattan Beach chiropractor for help.

People with whiplash may experience headaches, stiffness, and neck pain. They often face many months of recovery. Because the pain comes and goes, it can be difficult to treat with traditional medical protocols.

Chiropractors use natural methods to eliminate pain. Their techniques are designed to supplement the body's natural healing abilities. They can locate the source of pain and determine which muscles, ligaments, and tendons were affected by the accident. They focus their attention on those specific areas to relieve pain and restore range of motion.

Reduced circulation in the affected area interferes with the healing process. Blood flow through the tissues is necessary for the delivery of essential nutrients. The circulation system also flushes out impurities and dead cells that can accumulate and impede healing. Chiropractic manipulations improve blood flow by reducing inflammation.

Individuals involved in a car accident should always seek immediate attention for assessment of their injuries. Symptoms of whiplash may not show up until hours or even days after the accident. A chiropractor may be able to locate damaged tissue even before the patient feels pain.

Automobile collisions are the most common cause of whiplash, but anything that causes the neck to stretch beyond its normal range of motion can do damage. A physical assault that involves shaking or punching can result in injury. Athletes participating in football, rugby, or other contact sports are also at risk.

Individuals seeking pain relief can rely on chiropractors to utilize techniques that do not depend on surgical procedures or drugs. Chiropractors utilize techniques that enhance the body's ability to heal naturally. Their approach involves offering advice on diet, exercise, and stress management to enhance overall health.

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