How To Avoid Yourself From Getting Stroke

By Jerry Ward

A lot of people in the world are diagnose or experience having stroke. This medical condition is a unique one because it hinders the movements of the face. One of the arms will drift downwards compared to the other. The speech will become slurred or sometimes they cannot talk at all. When it comes to Stroke Treatment Protocol, individuals can undergo the different treatments that doctors will issue to patients who are experiencing it.

Eat healthy diets. Eating healthy diets will aid in reducing the risk of high cholesterol, obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Each of these conditions will greatly increase the chances of having strokes. There are many ways to reduce the possibility of having the condition. Make sure to adhere the different foods intake to avoid it.

Reduce the salt intake. Reducing salt intake will lower the risk of developing any high blood pressure. This can be done by not sprinkling some salt on foods, rice water or pasta and purchasing canned products that claims to have low sodium. Inspect the ingredients which is found on the labels and see if there are salt contents being added especially processed goods.

Watch out for your blood pressure. Having a high blood pressure will put undue stress on the blood vessels and arteries. This will create weak spots that will easily rupture or thin spots that would fill up by blood then balloon out on the artery walls. Damages on arteries will lead to impaired blood circulation and formation of clots which causes ischemic strokes.

Control the calorie intake. Consuming high calorie foods will place you in a much higher risk for obesity and diabetes unless you are doing a lot of exercises every day. Limit intake of sugary foods such as pastries, cookies and candies. Processed sugars provide abundant calorie without nutrients and make a person prone to overeating.

Identify the different types of strokes. Even though the outcomes and physical symptoms of strokes are almost the same, many variations can be found. The incident that occurred and subsequent treatment will differ. Usually after the conducting of series of tests, physicians can determine the right type of stroke that a person is suffering.

Hemorrhagic is a type of stroke. The blood vessels inside the brain will leak blood or rupture. Blood will spill over or inside the head and depends where the vessels are located which cause swelling and pressure. This will damage the tissues and cells. Intracerebral is a common hemorrhagic type and occurs on the tissues when vessels have erupted or burst.

Control alcohol intake. Drinking too much alcoholic drinks will raise the blood pressure and improve the chances of getting strokes. If cannot be avoided, drink while keeping inside the recommended limitations. The most advisable alcohol intake for men is two drinks a day and one drink for women.

Manage the medical conditions that you are currently having. Some medical ailments and conditions can help in increasing the risks. Individuals must make sure to talk to their doctor to treat it and minimize the danger of getting strokes. Prevention is always better than cure.

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