Information On Testosterone Replacement Therapy St Petersburg FL

By Ruth Stewart

A good number of men with low levels of testosterone report that they have improved levels of energy and sex drive after they have undergone testosterone treatment. This brings the question of whether it is advisable to replace testosterone in the event that it is low. It is important to understand what is involved and be versed with the process, the benefits and disadvantages. When considering testosterone replacement therapy St Petersburg FL residents can benefit from some facts.

Low levels of the male hormone do not call for treatment. It is therapy that has a number of side effects and the long-term benefits are not clear. The only men that can go for the procedure are those with low levels of the hormone and have confirmed that it is caused by low blood levels. There are a number of symptoms that levels of the male hormone are low. However, it is important to know that the levels decline naturally over time.

Some symptoms of low hormone levels are erectile dysfunction, low sex drive and depression in those affected. In cases there are these symptoms and tests show that the levels are considerably low, a doctor might suggest that the person undergoes treatment. If the person experiences low levels but without any symptoms, replacement is not recommended. The same applies to those with low levels caused by aging.

There are various forms of therapy that one is able to go for. There is skin patching which is worn on arms or the upper body sections. It is supposed to be applied once daily. One could also use gels that come in the form of packets. Hormones will get absorbed into the body directly when the gels gets applied to the skin. Other also opt for the mouth patch which is taken as a tablet. It sticks to the upper gums, just above the incisors.

A pill can also be used for testosterone replacement therapy. It is not however a popular technique because of the negative effects it has on the liver. Other techniques such as skin patches or injections are suitable because they bypass the liver, getting the hormone directly into blood.

The prediction of what to expect from the procedure is not that easy because people tend to react differently. Most people tend to report improved sex drive, energy and quality of erections. Also, the hormone is known to increase mass of muscles, density of bones and the sensitivity of insulin. The effects vary from one person to another. For some people, there is improvement of mood after the treatment.

There are certain side effects of the therapy. These include itching, rash or irritation at the place where the testosterone is applied. There is also evidence that it comes with increased risks of stroke or heart attack. In addition, there are conditions that are likely to get worse when one goes for the treatment, including sleep apnea, prostate cancer and heart failure.

Long terms benefits of the therapy remain unknown. As with many other medical procedures, the decision of whether to go for the procedure will depend on a person. A doctor will help with decision making.

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