Discover How A St. Louis MO Allergy And Asthma Professional Helps With Wellness

By Anabel Clark

There are allergens in the air such as particles from car exhaust systems. Pesticides are used when growing vegetables. Weed killers used in lawn care are in the groundwater. It is not surprising that a fourth of the entire population suffers the symptoms of asthma and allergies. It is a life-threatening disease as confirmed by a St. Louis MO Allergist.

There are more allergies than one can imagine. Many children are known to be allergic to peanuts, for example. A person can have an allergic reaction to dust mites, a specific food or pollen from outdoor plants. They suffer from red eyes, sneezes, and congestion. It has a negative effect on their daily lives.

Many parents hesitate to start children on a medication they might have to take for a long time. An alternate choice of care is chiropractic. The close interaction between the spine, nervous system and respiratory system all affect breathing. Research has shown a parallel between allergies and spinal abnormalities.

One example is what happens when vertebral subluxations, which is the chiropractic term for misalignments, are found in the cervical spine. Studies of children with asthma show improvement in their lung capacity following fifteen adjustments to the cervical vertebrae. Scientists theorize that when the tight muscles are relaxed as a result of the adjustments, the lymph nodes can drain more freely.

An appointment with the chiropractor will give parents the opportunity to find out how and why spinal adjustments increase lung capacity. They are looking for a solution to relieve the severity of their child's asthma. They are considering chiropractic care to avoid their child being placed on medication long term.

The child will be examined focusing on the spine. His health history will be discussed. The child may have been evaluated and his asthma confirmed. If he is having allergic reactions, they will also be talked about.

An explanation of the care methods available will be given to the parents. Clarification of how nerve roots affect all parts of the body will allow them to understand why adjustments are successful. They will want as much information as possible to help them make a serious health care decision on behalf of their child.

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