Tips That Can Help Towards Ebola Protection

By Enid Hinton

Ebola virus is a rare and deadly viral illness that affects humans. There have been numerous reports of its occurrence especially in the West Africa making many tourists avoid this area. The 2014 Ebola epidemic is reported to be the largest in history. This makes people desperate for the various methods of Ebola protection available. Everybody wants to be safe from this fatal disease.

This virus is transmitted to people from wild animals. It then spreads in the human population through human-to-human transmission. It is spread through direct contact with blood or body fluids of someone who is infected with the disease. It is not transmitted through air. There is also no evidence that states that it can be spread through coughing or sneezing.

One symptom you are most likely to note is a fever. A person will also notice some weakness around the muscle areas. They could also have a sore throat. These are among the first symptoms that point to this disease. The symptoms increase as time goes on. The serious symptoms include an impaired kidney and finally bleeding which cannot be explained.

This will definitely push you to follow any available safety measures. This means protecting yourself as much as possible. The most important measure involves careful hygiene. An important step always involves washing your hands properly. Do not handle items that have been in contact with any fluid of a patient such as any personal item.

Burial rituals that involve contact with the dead body should be avoided as they are risky. Do not ingest raw meat from animals as they can be agents of this disease. Those individuals who look after the health of those infected are definitely at risk. They are always in the same area as these people and they work with them every day.

They should wear special clothing. This is meant to prevent any splashes from getting to them. It can also stop contact from materials that could be infected. Face protection is also important when you are close to such patients. They will obviously have to handle bodies at some point. For this reason they should not handle them when not well protected.

When you suspect that you may have any symptoms that seem like they are for Ebola, seek immediate medical attention. You should also limit your contact with other people until when you are going to see a doctor. Avoid travelling anywhere unless you are heading towards a healthcare facility. It is also advisable to avoid hospitals where these patients are being treated.

Any sort of cuts and injuries should be kept covered. Open wounds can put an individual at risk of getting the disease. Some individuals infected with Ebola have managed to recover fully. It is said that thereafter, they develop immunity for at least ten years. Medical experts are trying their level best to contain this disease and ensure people are safe. Prevention is better than cure, it should bear in mind.

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