Pros And Cons Of Fertility Acupuncture For Independent Medical Practice Resources

By Deborah Murray

For some people, having a baby is one of the joys of life. But that joy isn t shared among people equally and may result in a difficulty in conceiving. If this was a century ago, the conversation would end there but with advancements in modern medicine, there re ways to circumvent such obstacles without harming anyone. According to independent medical practice resources, fertility acupuncture is one of those options available to try.

Infertility can be caused by a number of reason, some more explainable than others but one thing these reasons have in common is that they lead to disappointment for those couples that want to conceive. If there s one thing acupuncture has going for, it s the fact that one of its core tenants is the promotion of blood flow.

One of the important reasons why fertility acupuncture should be considered as an alternative to other means of conceiving if the natural way seems to fail is due to the amount of blood that is stimulated. Blood is the body s transport system and by stimulating it, the fertility treatment is given a fighting chance in achieving a higher chance of success than other means.

Acupuncture on its own is good for the body due to the large amounts of advantages it poses compared to medication that is prescribed. Different kinds of medication have their place in society. Acupuncture targeted at fertility can take advantage of the benefits of acupuncture and the promotion of blood flow that is a result of it. More blood flow can also help thicken the lining of the uterus in preparation for more follicle production, which is nothing but good news for a couple trying to conceive.

Although the information above is directed at people who want to or have tried this as their first option, it doesn t mean that those couples that have tried other forms of fertility assistance such as IVF are disqualified from making use of acupuncture. In such a case, it s advisable for couples to tell their doctor 6 to 8 weeks in advance in order to make the necessary arrangements for implantation using acupuncture.

Lifestyle changes may be needed in order to take full advantage of. If fertility acupuncture is a viable option then it needs to be planned for in advance as you can t just rock up and start picking out needles. It also means making an active involvement in meeting appointments to maximize the chances of conception.

Acupuncture promotes blood flow and that also means where it counts most. The surplus of blood means that follicle production is promoted which can only be good news for those trying to conceive. Increased blood flow also means a thickening of the uterus wall in preparation of childbirth.

Fertility acupuncture is great because it has no side effects, none at all.and is able to accommodate people who are obese suffer from hot flashes endometriosis and other illnesses, wellness or otherwise. The advantages are countless and although it may seem like a terrifying experience it s one of the best solutions that have a 50% chance or higher of leading to conception, given the right circumstances. But it s not a one-sided affair and needs both parties to come to the table.

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