Everyday Health Issues Managed With Herbology Remedies

By Shirley Reed

A lot of people rely on herbs every single time that they are facing common medical issues. It's for the fact that they're absolutely nothing like their pharmaceutical counterparts that are known to cause nasty side effects and risks, too. When properly used, herbology remedies found below can alleviate various problems that most people encounter regularly.

Pot marigold for disinfecting minor wounds. Cuts and scrapes that are superficial should be safeguarded from bacteria to ward off an infection, something that can postpone healing and also cause complications sometimes. Whether steeped in water or ground, pot marigold is capable of disinfecting superficial wounds, thus warding off bacterial activity.

Alleviate stomachache with lemon balm. Intestinal cramps, excess gas and indigestion are some of the things that can make your belly hurt. One extremely popular herbal solution for such is allowing lemon balm to steep in boiling water. The resulting tea is gentle enough to be given to kids who are experiencing a tummy ache.

Peppermint for controlling acid reflux. After eating something that's greasy or spicy, the chest area may feel like it's burning due to acid reflux. One very popular remedy for this uncomfortable stomach issue is tea out of the leaves of peppermint. By the way, the said herb is also effective for eliminating a few mouth issues like bad breath and gum inflammation.

Cilantro for ending a urinary tract infection. Due to the capability of cilantro to enhance urination, it can help in putting an end to a urinary tract infection. This herb is also commonly employed by folk healers for reducing high blood pressure. Cilantro is being used, too, for flushing accumulated toxins out of the body.

Rosemary for increasing brain functioning. Anyone who is feeling lethargic but cannot drink coffee because of caffeine sensitivity may turn to rosemary. No matter if taken in the form of tea or added to soups or salads, it's known to help rejuvenate the brain. In short, rosemary can cause stimulation but without the tremors and anxiety.

Lavender for dealing with mild depression. Those who are experiencing sadness most of the time may count on lavender tea to have their mood lifted. Studies have shown that this herb has a positive impact on the nervous system of people with mild depression. For moderate to severe depression, it is a good idea to seek the help of a therapist.

Chamomile for dealing with sleeplessness. Insomnia is a problem that can lead to many other issues. According to experts, lack of sleep can have a significant effect especially on the functioning of the brain. A traditional solution for insomnia that's all natural is chamomile tea. Prior to jumping into bed, a cup of it should be brewed and taken.

If you want to benefit tremendously from any of these herbs, see to it that you consult a certified herbalist. Don't forget to talk to your doctor about your plan if you are diagnosed with a medical condition. Although herbs come from nature, some of them may actually interfere with the action of prescribed medicines and may even exacerbate certain health issues.

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