What Young Blood Therapy Entails

By Betty Edwards

More people are craving the need to look young and stay attractive. This is especially important for those in the modeling and commercial advertising industry. Ageing is a gradual process that brings with it undesirable body changes to most people. Young blood therapy has been recently adopted in order to mask the visible effects brought about by old age.

This therapy was first developed by health researchers in Harvard and Stanford universities in the United States. The research found out that blood can be used as a way of rejuvenating and reviving aging muscles within an old persons body. It was initially tested on animals such as mice where it was found to be successful in reversing both mental and physical impairments of growing old.

During the research process a group of old mice were injected with blood from a younger group of mice and the results found were groundbreaking. The stem cells within the liver and muscles of the older mice were seen to revive and rejuvenated once they were exposed to the serum from younger mice. Though the experiment was solely tested on mice there is hope that it might eventually work on humans.

While the implementation of the therapy is still yet to be fully sanctioned for application in human beings, it is believed that blood transfusion can be relied on to initiate the procedure. Though a full blood transfusion from a young person is not likely to produce outstanding results to an ageing adult, it can be used to stimulate increased healing and revival when applied to specific body parts.

Apart from reversing the usual ravages of ageing, the experiment might suggest new ways of dealing with treatments of diseases such as heart enlargement, the Alzheimers disease and dementia which are commonly present among older populations. This would greatly improve the quality of live among senior citizens enabling them to offer their contribution for longer in society.

There a lot of advantages that can be associated with this kind of medical procedure on an old person. It can boost the senses of smell and sight during which are greatly affected as people grow older. The immunity to diseases is also boosted and this saves a lot of money that could have been spent on medical expenses.

Though still in its initial stages, the biggest limitation to this kind of procedure to human beings would be the high of having he operation. Secondly, though some tissues like the skin regenerate quite quickly, some such as the brain and heart tissues would not fully benefit from such a procedure since they would be insensitive to any young blood based treatment that is available.

This kind of procedure represents a significant milestone in the quest to suppress or otherwise reverse the whole process of ageing. Once a proper way of administering this form of treatment has been established it will limit the chances of illness among old people and thus enable them spend more happy moments with family and loved ones which is something every ailing individual wishes they could but have limited time to do so.

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