Spiritual Doctor Healing Remains Popular

By Elaine Guthrie

Typically, people who become sick take their problem to a professionally certified, state licensed physician or nurse. A bit lower in terms of prestige but still widely popular is the broad field of alternative medicine. Alternative medicines are often practices rooted in non-Western cultures, with acupuncture the most common. Meanwhile, spiritual doctor healing remains popular despite the low esteem in which it is held.

Spiritual healing is the umbrella term for attempted treatments depending wholly in help from beings that don't register to human senses, beings whose very existence must be taken on faith. It is frequently the last stop for patients who are desperate, having tried everything sanctioned medicine can attempt. Often, the patient is also more interested in the touch of God than he or she is in getting healed as such. The malady might well be most important as a chance to witness the miraculous.

Spiritual help is frequently sought out for pain relief, an area not well treated by conventional medicine. It might be chosen for deeply personal problems, such as those involving sexuality. Psychological issues and everyday trials and tribulations also lead many to look for their cure in the world of spirit.

There are problems most would not likely consider health related or even truly real, but which lead many people to turn to supernatural solutions. Some look to shield themselves from what they understand to be an evil influence. If an apparent entity seems to have taken possession of the mind, it might be judged that the time has come to perform an exorcism.

Those who seek entirely supernatural sources of relief should understand clearly that their chosen method lacks official scientific explanation or sanction. It and they themselves often face public mockery, including dedicated debunkers. This mockery is often funded by mainstream medicine, which is motivated both by concern over public health and by a desire to monopolize the money prospective patients are willing to spend on their health.

It is no surprise that spiritualists cater to those largely uneducated about the sciences, as well as those who are convinced that they simply know better. There will always be those who distrust legitimate medicine and its institutions. Spiritual healers rely upon good referrals from former customers along with innate charisma and sales talent.

The supernatural realm is contacted in many ways. Faith healers do their work every Sunday morning, across the land. The minister lays hands upon the part of the body stricken by affliction, and calls upon the intercession of the holy spirit. This is all performed before a cheering audience that is as at least as much the target of the minister's charisma as the afflicted one who has come before the pulpit to be healed.

Long relegated to the shadows, witchcraft performs its magic through its practitioners' expertise with stones, herbs, and the most humble objects. Now it is not only largely freed from centuries of oppression, it is among the most rapidly growing religious paths in the Western world. Voudon has its roots in West Africa and Haiti, and carries the appeal of exotica. It draws upon assistance from a menagerie of gods, saints, and lesser entities, all called upon to defend against beings still lesser.

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