Nutritional Supplementation For Fending Off Deadly Heart Disease

By John Robinson

In the United States, heart disease is regarded as the number one killer. It is certainly one of the most terrifying health-related problems known to man. Fortunately, it's also one of the most highly preventable diseases out there. Proper nutritional supplementation is a step that may be taken by those who like to dodge it.

There are tons of supplements for the heart available in the current market. If truth be told, taking all of them is not really needed. For as long as the person is living healthily and eating wholesomely, there is no need for him or her to purchase every single cardiovascular supplement out there.

However, there are those that are proven effective for lowering a person's risk of battling heart disease one day, such as omega-3 fatty acids. Loaded with healthy fats, these nutrients are scientifically-proven to keep the arteries in a healthy state. Omega-3 fatty acids help keep the arteries clog-free by lowering cholesterol.

Another very good example is magnesium. It's known to help fend off heart disease as it lowers the resting heart rate. This mineral does so by encouraging the heart muscles to relax. According to doctors, a low resting heart rate is usually an indicator that the cardiovascular system is in tip-top shape.

Consumers who like to keep their hearts out of harm's way may also opt for garlic supplements. According to scientists, garlic has the amazing ability to thin the blood. This only means that the formation of a blood clot can be prevented, thus lowering one's risk of having a heart attack and stroke.

Health experts say, however, that supplementing is not enough. It only means that the intake of various supplements alone won't safeguard the heart. It's highly suggested for the consumption of these heart-friendly products to be coupled with having a healthy lifestyle.

Someone who smokes should quit the habit without any delay. Despite what many people like to believe, the lungs are not the only ones that are in danger because of cigarette smoking. Individuals who smoke cigarettes and also those who are exposed to secondhand smoke are at risk of heart disease.

The intake of alcohol should be done in moderation only. Studies say that too much alcohol can in fact raise the blood pressure and wreak havoc on the heart muscles. In order to fend off problems, a man should drink not more than 2 glasses of alcohol per day, and a woman should consume not more than 1 glass of it a day.

Exercising on a regular basis is highly recommended as well. For best results, one must spend at least 20 minutes of his or her time to it. Health authorities suggest engaging in both cardiovascular and weight-training exercises. Working out should be done on most days of the week.

See to it that you steer clear of leading a very stressful life. Try to avoid as many stressors as you possibly can. Also, spend time to engaging in stress-reducing activities. Every night, obtain 7 to 9 hours of sleep that's uninterrupted and restorative.

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