Fibromyalgia Relief Through Chiropractic Care In Singapore

By Malinda Klosterman

Fibromyalgia sufferers know full well just how frustrating it is to live with that condition. The aches, pains, and general fatigue are a major hurdle to climb as patients strive to enjoy even the simplest of life's pleasures. Singapore chiropractor services can help many of these patients to overcome at least some of their pain and discomfort.

The condition itself is a common one, affecting millions of people's skeletons and muscles. Though best known for the joint pain and muscle discomfort it can cause, fibromyalgia also attacks the patient's energy. This latter symptom is sometimes so bad that patients will complain about sleeping through an entire night and feeling no more refreshed than they were the night before.

The general level of pain and fatigue can be so crippling that it leads to depression in many patients. In many instances, traditional medical care is unable to compensate for the ongoing pain, leaving patients with few options for dealing with their discomfort. That's why many now turn to chiropractic care for assistance with their pain reduction goals.

Chiropractic care is premised upon the notion that the body can heal itself with the right type of assistance. That's why these caregivers target their therapies at the root causes of each problem. For fibromyalgia patients, that means focusing on adjustments of the joints and spine, and muscle manipulation through massage therapy.

Many patients have experienced positive results from massage therapy. The chiropractor uses short bursts of applied pressure to sore muscle tissue, loosening those muscles and reducing inflammation and tension. When used in conjunction with spinal adjustment, massages of this kind help to minimize tension that is often responsible for increased pain.

Obviously, these therapies are not a permanent answer to this type of medical condition. They are, however, one of the few safe ways to obtain relief from the aches and pain. That fact helps to explain why so many patients now turn to chiropractic care to address fibromyalgia discomfort and pain.

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