Call On Decatur Wildlife Removal Services To Evict Unwanted Rodents

By Dave L. Weglin

The homeowner can take precautions to avoid allowing pests to take up residence in his attic. Garbage cans are especially attractive to raccoons. Debris in the yard and specifically close to the building may be a hazard. If it is beyond the prevention stage and rodents are in your attic, you may call Decatur wildlife removal services to come out and remove them from the attic.

The smell of garbage is what attracts these rodents in the first place. Raccoons are a major problem, especially if the lids are left off and they can access your garbage. Once there, your home may appeal to them as a place to live. If they get inside, they will cause damage and a bad odor problem. Sharp little claws will rip into screens and other things.

The raccoon is one of the primary rodents that carry rabies. It can be transferred to humans if they are bitten. Other rabies carriers are bats, skunks and the fox. The experts do not employ poison inside the home. Poison is cruel. Plus if the animal were to die within the house, the dead body would decompose and give off a terrible smell.

The raccoons, squirrels and bats all view an attic as a great place to live. Once they have settled in, they will leave to find food and water. They will be able to easily re-enter through the same openings. Their droppings and urine collect and create a distinctly unpleasant smell. They carry diseases and parasites that are hazardous to humans.

Bats serve a useful purpose and should not be killed. They eat insects and reduce the danger of disease to humans by infected mosquitoes. They are beneficial, until they get into your attic to mate, give birth and live. This flying rodent will destroy insulation. In addition, it contaminates whatever it comes into contact with.

The same destructive habits are attributable to the squirrel. This rodent sneaks in through seemingly tiny openings. He will chew up everything, including wood, with his strong teeth. All of these rodents will find your attic a fine place in which to give birth and raise their young. The experts will not seal off an attic until all the young are old enough to make their way out.

An exit tunnel is prepared for the critters to leave the attic. This tunnel is a one-way only exit and they cannot re-enter through it. When all have left, the professionals will seal off the holes to keep them out in the future. After that, they will undertake the job of cleaning and disinfecting the entire attic.

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